So I Turned 40, What Now?

As I try to reflect on the past month, it is hard to pinpoint what I have accomplished in the first month of being 40. Nothing much happened on the surface but internally, I am more relaxed and happier. I think this has something to do with just being grateful. I like the person that I am now than the person I was 10 to 20 years ago. Life experiences enriched my soul. I am looking forward of the many life experiences that will add layers to who I am. I trust God’s will in my life. I cannot thank Him enough for all the blessings in my life. Although it is not all bed of roses for me, I am thank God for the strength to survive whatever setbacks that came my way.

So what was I up to the past month?

Catching up with family and friends.

Two of my uncles turned 70 and 80.

My friend, Glenda, also celebrated her birthday and invited us to dinner.

An aunt and uncle celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. What a feat! There is forever!

Finally, my cousins and I were able to go to the food parks we wanted to try and stuffed ourselves with these food. Ha!

My friend, Pia, is finally back from more that a month long trip to South Korea. We have been following her adventure. I love her photos so much that I wanted to go to South Korea. We had dinner with friends to catch up.

Photo swiped from Pia’s FB.

Practicing my landscape painting skills.
My friend asked me to paint landscape in watercolor for her. She already sent some samples of the type of painting her husband likes. I already researched on some inspiration for the final painting I am doing for them. Below are two of the practice pieces I have done to prepare.

Practicing some baking.
My friend, Dinah, just celebrated her birthday and she saw that I baked my own durian-filled birthday cake. She wanted one for the gathering she planned soon. So while I had have the time, I tried to bake this Durian-flavored Japanese cotton cheesecake which was a failure. The cake was supposed to rise to a certain height and this one did not. It still tasted good but this is not pretty to look at.

It was supposed to look like this.

Photo from Rasa Malaysia.

Good thing that this was just practice. Maybe I should stick to the same recipe I did during my birthday.

Chilling with this cutie.

Lately, Blessy has been hanging out with me- sometimes in my room and sometime in my work area. I placed a clean, old curtain on the floor for her sleep on. Sometimes, she looks at me chilling in my bed that she wanted to chill with me, too. once in a while, I give in and let her hang out in my bed. I love this dog.

I love Joaqui, too, and we still miss Peachy.

I am loving my 40’s so far. This week, I need to finish the painting and I have a workshop to document. Plus, I have the cake to bake for Dinah.

Bye for now!

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