3 things that can add value to your life

I have been introspective these days. Indulge me a little if I write about life lessons and self-help thoughts. It must be age or the heat. This might actually be my stomach talking. (Baka gutom lang ito.)

I have learned not to compare myself with others. That successful person you envy has his/her own personal struggles. I learned not to wish I am someone else because I do not know that someone’s life too well to actually declare that that is the life I wanted. Instead, I pick what makes that person’s life beautiful and try to do the same thing about my own life. I believe that we write our own destiny.

I try not to indulge too much on material things. Gadgets get replaced with Β newer versions in a month or two. Cars depreciate. Jewelry is a bait for snatchers. I can name more. This is just me. Yeah, this is just the poor me who cannot afford those things! What a sourgrape! Ha! Anyhow, there are 3 things that can immediately change my outlook and how I feel about myself.

1. Laughter. My father had a great sense of humor. It is hard to go through the day without laughter. I am the kind of person who does not take myself seriously. I have a self-deprecating humor and I am not afraid to look silly in the name of fun. I feel a tad happier around people with a good sense of humor. I always feel that laughter enriches my life.

2. Love. When you’re 35 and single, one of the difficult question to answer is ‘Why?’ When my wit works, I spurt our creative retorts. There are times that a smile is enough reply. I recently realized one thing. I will not settle for anything less than true love. I won’t mind letting my biological clock run out. No child should be borne out of my womb just because I worry that no one will take care of me when I grow old. God will take care of me. My cousin just recently lost his 3-year-battle against the complications of a lung transplant. He and his wife were a young couple starting their lives together. The love and devotion of his wife amazed me. This made me declare that it’s true love or nothing for me. I can derive love from a lot of things. I give it out freely everyday. It is that warm hug, simple hello or that pat in the back. True love will be given to ‘the one’. Naks!


3. Learning. I love reading. I can be a nerd sometimes. When my father was alive, I discussed nerd stuff with him. My father was the analog version of Google. He seems to have an answer even to my silliest of questions. (Oh, I miss him!) I do not believe in being an expert, it will end learning. Sometimes, I wonder about the things I might learn had I pursued graduate studies. Well, it is never too late to get one.

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