I always wish that there are more than 24 hours a day. I have a lot of pending things to do before leaving for vacation. I have only three days left do them all. Despite the tight schedule, I learned lots of things this week.
1. Online loading
I discovered that I can load my phone through BDO’s online banking system.. I enrolled my mobile phone number and immediately tried their service.
I got the amount even before I logged out of the system. It was fast and instantaneous.
I hope I won’t abuse this feature.
2. Cheaper printer ink
I have not used my printer in almost a year. I try to go paperless as much as I can. It is eco-friendly and budget-friendly. However, I need to print tickets and itinerary for the trip. My printer ink costs Php700. I already tried the refillable kind and it does not work for me. I ended up spending more. So I went to my favorite computer shop to buy my ink. The owner introduced me to a budget-friendly version: still an original ink but at a cheaper price. Nice move, HP!
It only costs P440. The shop owner told me that it prints lighter than the P700 version which I do not mind because I always use “draft-mode” when I print to save ink. I think it prints pretty good. I do not see the difference between this and my old HP ink. I am happy with my savings! 3. Cafe Mocha
I learned that I can have a more delicious and richer cup of instant coffee if I mix coffee and milo.This kept me awake while I worked. 4. First day of school
It has been a long time since I graduated from school and the only school-aged person in the house just got back from vacation so the frenzy of shopping for school supplies was out of our radar. We did not realize it until we were walking in the sidewalk of our small town and we literally bumped into people. I could hear my personal bubble space bursting. hehe! My aunt wanted to buy a bag for the our trip so off to the weekend ukay-ukay street bazaar we went. She did not find the bag she wanted. 🙁
5. I really, really love the friends that I have
Nah, I knew this a long, long time ago. Thefriends that I have from childhood, grade school, high school, college, work and others I met along the way, I treasure them. This week’s frenzy made me remember this thought. We got an exciting news from one friend that it triggered 2,500+ chat messages (and counting!).
I think my friends and I will be like these two in the future. HA!
Source: Uploaded by user via kat on Pinterest
A friend wrote a lovely letter to her husband about the joy of parenting. She and her husband have an unconventional way of parenting and it worked well with their kids. I wish I can post her letter here but I think it deserves a place in parenting magazines. Maybe I should convince her to blog. 😀
It has been a full week and I have another full week ahead!
Source: bannerboutique.blogspot.com via Terry on Pinterest
I love touching base with old school friends, too. Had to laugh at the 2,500 chat messages because it also happens to me and my high school buddies too lol