Sunday Currently Vol. 3

I have two consecutive “Sunday Currently” blog posts. It only meant I have not been writing for a week. Where did the week go?  It is a good thing because it means I was busy. However, it is also a bad thing because I have not been consistent with my goal of writing more.   So here goes my week.

Currently missing

February is my parents’ birth month.  My mother’s birthday is a day after my father’s. Both parents are now in God’s embrace.

Currently working

I have been pitching in with cooking.  My aunt often does most of the cooking but I wanted to experiment on some recipes. The first one in the photo is a macaroni dish I made after I had leftover macaroni from cooking chicken macaroni soup.  On the right is a mango float but I used mango gelatin instead of mango because mangoes are expensive these days.

Currently learning

I have been updating my photo editing skills with creating snow and sparkles on an image using my friend’s photos in my file.  I am planning to do more because it is a lot of fun trying to create some scenes.

Currently planning 

I am planning on stuff I want to post on Instagram. I am currently enjoying this platform. I have been reading how to improve my feeds and I am quite amazed with the results.

Currently looking forward 

There are things I need to do and complete this week. I am positive that I can accomplish a lot this week. Let’s pray for that to happen!

How was your week?

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