♪♫♫ I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride my bike. ♫♫
One of the skills I learned during my childhood was riding a bicycle. We lived in a small town and in a housing unit in the compound where my father worked. My mother was a stay-at-home mom without a maid. I did not grow up with a maid in the house. When she needed to run errands, it was a hassle for her to walk several blocks to buy what she needed so she bought a bicycle. We would ride the bicycle to school. I learned to ride the bike early on. There was a basketball court where I rode my bike with ease.
This is the only proof I have that I know how to ride a bike.
I no longer know how to bike. I am hoping to re-learn that skill. When we moved to the city, I was not allowed to ride my bike anymore because my parents feared I might bump into the cars in the city. Hopefully, I can find a wide open space free of cars where I can learn how to bike again. For now, I have to trust my feet to get me to places.

From Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/listing/82309562/dr-seuss-quote-you-have-brains-in-your
Today is Day 10 of the 30-day blogging challenge.
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