How to Add Your Own Handwriting to Your Photos

I posted this photo last February.


Russ asked this question:


This is now the tutorial I promised four months ago.

Let’s write the word “explore” in this photo which we shall refer to as a background photo.

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1. Write the word in paper.  I would write different versions.

2. Take a photo of the written word.  Tip: Find a well-lit area when taking the photo. Avoid shadows.

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3.  Open the file in Photoshop. Check image size.  Click on Image>Image Size. Take note of the width, height and resolution.


4. Create a new file. Click on File> New.  Set width, height and resolution the same as the image size of the photo. Make the background contents as transparent.


5. Choose which handwritten word you want to use. Cut and paste into the new file.


6. Make the stroke more prominent by adjusting threshold level.  Click on Image>Adjustment>Threshold. Set threshold to 171.


7.  Delete the white background. Click on the Magic Wand Tool. Click on the white area and press Delete on the keyboard.  Repeat the procedure in the remaining white areas.  You are left with this:


8. Select the word, copy and paste into the background photo.


9. To change the text to white, click on Image> Adjustment> Invert.   I moved the text to make it more visible.


I hope my instructions were clear. Comment or email if there are questions. Hope this helps you personalize your images with your own handwriting.

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