
I just finished packing. I am traveling tomorrow. This time it is for work.  I have wrapped up some online deadlines I have. I still have a few deadlines for next week while I am away. I just hope that there is internet access in our destination so I can get things done, too. I made a major purchase this year so I hope I get to put it to good use.  I also made some business arrangements legitimatizing my freelance work. Everything is in order so I am hopeful for this year.

I hope to be able to do this.


Source: ornamelle.com via Dayna on Pinterest


I received some good news last night. My cousin will have her final interview for the job she applied for last year. She really wanted (and needed) this job. She is a nurse. She was out of job last year because nursing schools have been downsizing. Nursing enrollment has gone down while enrollment to hospitality courses like culinary arts and hotel and restaurant management has gone up.  I am proud of my cousin for coveting the final interview. I guess she must have an impressive cover letter for resume. I really hope she gets the job because she has great qualifications. In every company she was a part of, she had shown to be an asset to the company.  I am sending positive vibes her way. May she be able to answer questions in a straightforward manner.




I can see a bright future ahead. Thank you, God.


Source: google.com via Robyn Sue on Pinterest

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